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VoIP for All

Telecommunication sector provides various VoIP resellers and wholesale carrier service providers at present. This increase in demand of VoIP services is due to developing needs of users both commercially and residentially. This change in the way people communicate is mainly due to globalization. Communication networks have become vast which has reduced the amount of restrictions […]

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VoIP – The Biggest Technology of Future

When Internet was invented, people were blank as to how much this new technology was going to play magic with our lives in future! This sort of things usually happen whenever a new item is explored. But by the passage of time, the benefits start unveiling and it becomes the necessity of everyone. The same […]

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VoIP Technology Goes Mainstream, Conventional Phones Fear Tough Competition

VoIP service providers are not mere competitors to classic phone services. More importantly, it is an improved technology, which offers substitute to conventional phone. Initially it was not considered a mainstream success, but as the awareness grew, everyone is looking towards VoIP as potential leader in communication technologies. VoIP makes use of broadband internet for […]

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VoIP – A Revolution in Telecommunications

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is also known as Internet Phone and Broadband Phone. The reason it being called as Internet Phone and Broadband Phone is that it makes use of a fast internet connection (Broadband) to communicate voice among people on call. Unlike traditional phone service, it does not make use of copper wires […]

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Security Measures While Using VoIP

Due to the growing popularity of VoIP, the security surrounding the system is also becoming a great concern for the companies thinking about switching over to VoIP system. VoIP service is Internet based due to which it vulnerable to any attacks on security is associated with this method of communication. Hackers may infiltrate the system, […]

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Facts about VoIP Service

Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP Service is given us a lifetime convenience for our communication needs, not to mention the huge savings we can now make, which otherwise was impossible to do with traditional PSTN service. VoIP service lets you make voice and video conversations over high-speed internet. With your VoIP phone service, you […]

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Increasing Demand of VoIP in Canada

When we say VoIP is on the rise, we literally mean that! Voice over internet protocol or VoIP phone services offer an amazing telephony service, which functions by transmitting voice data and other information via high-speed broadband internet, instead of following the traditional phone services’ cable transmission system. Presently, VoIP is seen as the best […]

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Factors That Affect Voice Quality in VoIP Calls

VoIP has been in existence since the 80’s but never really got the place it deserved until in the current times. Previously, VoIP’s quality and reliability were questioned for and these two areas failed to prove VoIP as the best communication tool than the traditional phone services. However, today, VoIP has crossed those barriers and […]

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Are Your Voip Calls Encrypted?

It is the new age – the age of digital devices – the age of digital voip phones or broadband phones, which function using the broadband internet as indicated by the name. With internet telephony, you can connect with anyone, anywhere no matter how far off personals you want to converse with. It’s a small […]

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So What Is It About VoIP That’s Different From a Regular PSTN Phone Service?

People often question:  what makes Voip different from a PSTN phone? Is it the look or feel, or is it just a thing about keeping up with the technology? In reality, it is more than just keeping up with the latest technologies that arrive everyday. Though, it won’t be wrong if said that both PSTN […]

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