Increasing Demand of VoIP in Canada

When we say VoIP is on the rise, we literally mean that! Voice over internet protocol or VoIP phone services offer an amazing telephony service, which functions by transmitting voice data and other information via high-speed broadband internet, instead of following the traditional phone services’ cable transmission system.

Presently, VoIP is seen as the best tools of communication globally for personal and business usage. After United States, Canada is also experiencing a great development in field of VoIP industry and people are rapidly switching from PSTN services to VoIP phone systems. Owing to the growing need of people, many VoIP companies have set up to accommodate people with quality VoIP services.

Previously, the Canadian telecom sector seemed to lag behind because of their technologically slow developments, compared to other progressive countries, including their border touching neighbor – US. Probably, the reason behind this creeping development was because of the domination being held by big companies namely Bell, Telus, and, Rogers which have been supported by the government for fortification against any developmental competition. Invested in millions within the telecommunication industry, these big telcos have strengthened under the hood of these investments made in their infrastructure.

Till the year 2007, number portability was a restricted option since the DIDs were assigned only to specific companies and they would keep the same number for years. This, not only means a noteworthy diminution in cost and expenditure for the companies but this way, they would not have to suffer the pain of updating their hundreds of clients, updating business cards, and other contacts and informing them of new telephone numbers.

However, the era between 2007 and 2010, the Canadian VOIP sector has flourished ten folds and considered one of the fastest growing VoIP industries of the world, particularly in terms of competition, reliability and growth. This realization has been achieved within a small duration of time. It is not only restricted to certain companies and has broken the monopoly rules of the big telecos. Today, people from all walks of life can use VoIP phone systems for enjoying a cost efficient service.

Seeing this great shift of people to using VoIP services, the cost traditional phone services used to charge have greatly reduced seeing the potential growth and tight competition they have to face the rapidly developing VoIP industry and emerging new Canadian VoIP companies offering better quality of service, more advanced features, lesser prices and better customer support services.

VoIP phone systems offer the best communication solutions for all businesses. Today, companies whether big or small, have permanently shifted to VoIP phones because there is a more staunch perspective of growth, savings and growth using a convenient and more reliable communication system compared to using older and rather more expensive traditional phone services. By expensive, it doesn’t necessarily mean the cost of paying for the calls, but it involves the cost for maintenance, using other utilities such as fax, or having an exchange system installed in the offices. Over all, VoIP makes the best options.



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